ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 16

The Burial Ground Ust-Kova and His Place in the Medieval History of Lower Angara Region (According to the Published Data)

Full text (russian)

P. O. Senotrusova

The article dedicated for the burial ground Ust-Kova, describe the short history of its studying of the materials. The group of the materials dated I–II millennium of the Early and Late Middle Ages is offered. On the burial ground Ust-Kova were noted the burials based on a ceremony of cremation and an inhumation, and a congestion of things ("treasures"). Objects are compared with each other and can be considered within one funeral complex. According to the analysis of accompanying stock the chronology of a burial ground is reconsidered and limited to the Early Middle Ages. Burial with a pair inhumation is dated VII–VIII centuries. The cremated burial with details of horse equipment belongs to the VII–IX centuries. Other seven burials on a ceremony of cremation are dated VI–VIII centuries. In general, the materials of a burial ground are compared with other complexes of Lower Angara Region and can be considered within one archaeological culture.

Lower Angara Region, Early Middle Ages, Ust-Kova burial ground, periodization, chronology, ceremony, grave goods

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