ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 16

Methodological Aspects of Angular Morphometry of Skulls on the Example of the Cambodia Khmer

Full text (russian)

R. M. Galeev, S. V. Vasiliev

Angular morphometry of the skull is one of the most available and functional methods to describe the shape of the neurocranium and facial skeleton of the skull. In this work, for example, the skulls of the Khmer from Cambodia shows how the method works. Most of skull comes from the province of Kompong and are related to the 19th century. The second part of the series is dated – 1920. These skulls are collected after the French suppression of the local uprising. Some of them show traces of Napalm. The main problems and questions are related to the trigonometric form os the description neurocranium. It's given the basic methodological techniques to study angular morphometry. For example of the skulls of the Khmer was shown the important role of the four triangles with vertices in the sagittal plane whose base is the maximum width of the neurocranium (au-au), for dividing craniological analysis. It was analyzed the various forms of rhombus frontal plane b-au(pr.l)-ba. The studied group was divided into two parts: 1) skull with increased ear height 2) skull with strongly sunken base of the neurocranium. The article shows the work of the Central angles in the sagittal plane at the division of the group.

the Khmer of Cambodia, craniology, angular morphometry of the skull, cranial trigonometry

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