ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2017. Vol. 19

New Look at the Early Holocene Complexes of the Lake Baikal Coast: a Revision of the Stratigraphic Analysis and Radiocarbon Dating of the Sagan-Nouge Site

Full text (russian)

A. G. Novikov, O. I. Goriunova
For the first time, the publication of archaeological materials of Early Holocene complexes (XI–VI layers) of the multilayered site Sagan-Nouge is given in full size. This site is located in the same named bay of the Mukhor Gulf (Little Sea of Lake Baikal). A clear stratigraphic situation and sufficiently informative archaeological materials make it possible to consider this object as a reference in the study of ancient cultures of the Early Holocene of the region. Determination of the age of cultural layers is based on the analysis of stratigraphy of sediments, their radiocarbon dating, comparison of morphological features of archaeological materials and analogies with synchronous complexes of Cis-Olkhon region objects. New AMS-dates from the Sagan-Nouge site, obtained from the bones of a hoofed mammal, have shown the need of revising and refining the cultural-chronological schemes of the Mesolithic of Cis-Olkhon region, which were developed earlier, mainly on the basis of dates from soil samples. At present, complexes of XI–X layers are referred to the Late Preboreal (11.0–10.2 cal ka BP). Complexes of the IX and VIII layers are compared with the Boreal (10.2–8.4 cal ka BP). The soil layers containing VII–VI cultural layers dates in the period 8.4–8.2 cal ka BP. For the Late Preboreal the typical tools are from prismatic blades (inserts with marginal retouch, longitudinal burin, cutting tools, notched tools). The new tools are the median-single burin and many-faceted burin. The present materials are not sufficient to characterize complexes of boreal time. The most representative collection was noted in complexes comparable to the early phases of the Atlantic period (VII–VI layers). They are dominated by prismatic blades, that were the main source for the most instruments. There are polyhedral burin, core burin and polished tools. It is established that archaeological materials in the Mesolithic layers are located in separate clusters, with the predominance of the household complexes. The X layer was marked by the production area.
Lake Baikal, Cis-Olkhon region, Early Holocene, Mesolithic, geoarcheological object, multilayered site, stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating

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