ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 17

Preliminary Results of the Thermogravimetric Analysis of Lower Amur Neolithic Pottery (Based on the Materials of Malyshevo and Kondon Cultures)

Full text (russian)

V. E. Medvedev, I. V. Filatova
The problem of Neolithic cultures correlation solved by the methods of natural sciences. These are preliminary results of the thermogravimetric analysis of the Early and Middle Neolithic pottery of the Lower Amur region. We studied 20 samples of the early and developed complexes of Malyshevo culture and early and late variants of Kondon culture the collection includes the samples from nine sites. The investigation showed that the clay fraction in the pottery paste contains strongly ferruginated aleurite hydromicas, mineral (quartz) and organic tempers of natural (ash with inclusions of charcoal) and animal (freshwater clam with sink) origin the firing period is short and at a low temperature in the range of 600 oC. The obtained results go along with the petrographic analysis. This analysis earlier showed the use of aleurite clays, intensively loaded by ferric oxides, quartz and phytogenic organic additives. In general, the use of methods of natural sciences showed that local clays from different fields were used. Molding compounds were formed according to mixed mineral-organic recipe. The firing temperature was quite low. The authors mark the absence of a fundamental difference in the thermogravimetric analysis of the samples of different complexes and cultures, which can be explained by three factors: the overall level of development of pottery relative synchrony of considered archaeological cultures their interaction and mutual influence.
Neolithic, South of the Far East, Lower Amur region, Malyshevo and Kondon cultures, pottery, thermogravimetric analysis

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