ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2018. Vol. 24

On the Anthropology of the Tungusic peoples (Dental Morphology Aspect)

Full text (russian)

N. I. Khaldeeva, N. V. Kharlamova, S. V. Vasilyev

Complex biological and historical processes led to the forming of the anthropological (physical) appearance of the modern ethnic groups of Amur region (Priamurye) and Sakhalin. The article analyzes dental morphology data on Tungusic peoples (Nanai, Oroch, Ulch, Udege, Evenks) and also Nivkh, on a new methodological level. The aim of the presented study is to elucidate the processes of the interpopulation interactions and ways of the formation of the anthropological appearance of the modern inhabitants of Amur River region and Sakhalin. The location of the studied Tungusic populations among the groups of the Eastern odontological trunk was re-evaluated using numerous comparative data (both on extant peoples and skull series) obtained over the past few decades. The study is based on the dental data gained during N. I. Khaldeeva expeditions in the 1970s to the mentioned peoples. Dental wax casts were collected during the expeditions. These casts were analyzed using standard dental morphology protocol. Mean taxonomic distance method (MTD) was used to locate Tungusic peoples in the system of dental morphology variety. MTD matrix ran through multidimensional scaling in the program Statistica 8.0 to visualize obtained distances. The analysis of the distribution of the dental morphology traits within compared groups indicates a significant diversity of their morphological combinations, relationships and range of variability. The authors come to the conclusion that the regional odontological (dental morphology) variants are integrated within the Eastern odontological trunk (Mongoloid dental complex). They also identify the similarity of these variants based on the certain traits or their stable combinations, and interpret this as a manifestation of relict traces in the structure of the Eastern odontological layer. Besides, «weaken» Dental mongoloid complex in the frame of the total variety of mongoloid dental traits is specific for Tungusic peoples.

About the Authors

Khaldeeva Natalia Ivanovna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Leading Researcher, Center of Physical Anthropology, Miklouho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS; 32A, Leninsky av., Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation, e-mail: nathal40@mail.ru

Kharlamova Natalia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Researcher, Center of Physical Anthropology, Miklouho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS; 32A, Leninsky av., Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation, e-mail: natasha_kharlamova@iea.ras.ru, xaxanat@gmail.com

Vasilyev Sergei Vladimirovich, Doctor of Sciences (History), Head, Center of Physical Anthropology, Miklouho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS; 32A, Leninsky av., Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation, e-mail: vasbor1@yandex.ru

For citation

Khaldeeva N. I., Kharlamova N. V., Vasiliev S. V. On the Anthropology of the Tungus-Manchurian Peoples (Odontological Aspect). Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2018, Vol. 24, pp. 133–151. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2018.24.133 (in Russ.)

Tungusic peoples, Dental Anthropology, Eastern odontological trunk, Mongoloid dental complex, anthropological differentiation, Northern Asia

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