ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2018. Vol. 25

Cult of the Progenitors of Cis-Baikal Buryats: Rituals for the Main Shulengas of the Verkholensk Steppe Office

Full text (russian)

S. B. Miyagasheva

This paper presents study of the cult of sacralization of administrative power among Cis-Baikal Buryats. Cult of worship of the main shulengas of Verkholensk steppe office is a vivid example of the sacralization of new state institutions. We introduce into scientific circulation the archival materials of the ethnographic description of ritual for the main shulengas of Verkhorensk steppe office (Khoilongo Boirdoev, Barlak Turunkhaev and their companions), which is a specific example of the tribal cults of Cis-Baikal Buryats. Basis for the development of such ideas were shamanistic conceptions about the spirits-ancestors that can influence the life and well-being of descendants. Therefore, after his death, some persons were included in the pantheon of Eastern gods who, under the leadership of Erlen-khan, were in charge of justice. Such ideas were incorporated into beliefs about the patrons in the administrative sphere – in education, military service and career growth. In the mythological stories about the patron of the underworld Erlen Khan as the head of a huge office and the Lord of the staff of various deities in his judicial affairs (ministers, clerks, secretaries, keepers of gates and doors to the underworld, messengers and service members) reflected the motives of developed statehood. Ideas about the complex bureaucratic structure of the afterlife emerged from associations with new social institutions of power and with a system of developed statehood based on the tribal structure of local government, which the Russian tsarist government retained in the process of joining Siberia to Russia. In this regard, new types of social organization were included in a specific ritual complex. As a result, among Cis-Baikal Buryats the cult of veneration of ancestor, ideas about the sacred exclusivity of Noyon Udkha, the cult of Besheshins clerks, the cult of the Eastern Celestials Aryuuni Tengri were spread. In general, such worldview aspects related to the historical realities of ethnic and cultural development of the Buryats are specific motives in the mythology of population of Cis-Baikal region, and allow us to talk about the development and formation of traditional beliefs.

About the Authors

Miyagasheva Surzhana Borisovna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Researcher, Center of Oriental manuscripts, Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies SB RAS; 6, Sakhyanova st., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation, e-mail: surjana.miyagasheva@imbt.ru

For citation

Miyagasheva S. B. Cult of the Progenitors of Cis-Baikal Buryats: Rituals for the Main Shulengas of the Verkholensk Steppe Office. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2018, Vol. 25, pp. 86–100. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2018.25.86 (in Russ.)

Verkholensk steppe office, cult of ancestors, Noyon Udkha, cult of scribes, Eastern Celestials Aryuuni Tengri
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