ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2018. Vol. 25

Paleodemographic Characteristic of the Old-time Population of Omsk Cis-Irtysh Region in 17th–18th Centuries (on the Materials of Izyuk 1 Site)

Full text (russian)

A. V. Yuzhakova

This paper presents some methodological inconsistencies in using of life (mortality) tables in the paleodemographic researches. Despite the large number of articles on paleodemography, in this research field there are problems that need to be resolved, as well as certain gaps that need to be developed. Analysis of the methodological techniques used in the paleodemographic articles and their abandonment due to inaccurate conceptual definitions (for example, the average age of death and life expectancy). Moreover, age cohorts that don’t reflect ontogenetic development and other aspects contradictory encouraged to search application to the analysis of sex and age structure of paleopopulations’s basic demographic indicators. Paper deals with an analysis of paleodemographic structure of the old-time population of Siberia in the 17th–18th centuries. Materials for the study were primary determinations of the sex and age of individuals from the Izyuk 1 burial ground, made by A. N. Bagashev and A. L. Antonov. Analysis of the frame’s sex and age of the Siberia old-time population showed that the series can be characterized as a large percentage of infant mortality, more than half of which falls within the category of Natus (newborns) and the low percentage of deaths in adolescence. The peak of mortality across men is in the category Maturus II (45–55 years). The peak of mortality across women is in the categories Juvenilis II (20–25 years) and Adultus (25–35 years). Average age of death without infant mortality is about 35 years, for men is 38 years, for women is 33 years. In addition, a high percentage of infant mortality, which may well indicate a high birth rate, as well as an indicator of the average age of death within 40 years, show a fairly high level of adaptation of the population to environmental conditions. Materials were taken for comparison from the territory of Siberia (a group of the Ayali Tatars) and from the territory of European Russia (materials from the Rostislavl, Moscow and Pskov city cemeteries). Intergroup analysis showed that the population that left the Izyuk 1 burial ground does not detect large differences in the main demographic indicators. The data obtained represents certain features of the paleodemographic processes that proceeded in the Omsk Cis-Irtysh region in the 17th–18th centuries, at least against the background of the comparative materials involved.

About the Authors

Yuzhakova Alyona Vladimirovna, Junior Researcher, Tomsk State University; 36, Lenin av., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation, e-mail: ejara.ru@mail.ru

For citation

Yuzhakova A. V. Paleodemographic Characteristic of the Old-time Population of Omsk Cis-Irtysh Region in 17th–18th Centuries (on the Materials of Izyuk 1 site). Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2018, Vol. 25, pp. 162–175. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2018.25.162 (in Russ.)

Omsk Cis-Irtysh region, Russian population of Siberia, Izyuk 1 burial ground, paleodemography

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