ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 15

Zoomorphic Code in Ethnogenetic Context: Fox in Traditional Beliefs of Mongolian Peoples

Full text (russian)

M. M. Sodnompilova, B. Z. Nanzatov

Special hierarchies of wild animals established in the worldview of the Mongols. According to their commercial importance in the lives of people, especially the mythological aspect, the danger that they pose to human beings and other considerations, animals were due to positive or negative paradigm. And only the fox stands alone in the world-view of Mongolian peoples. The peculiarity of this animal is determined by the way of life, part of which extends below ground. In myths and ritual tradition the penetration of the animal under the earth was understanding as belonging of the beast to another world – the dead world. The fox image vector changes from negative in the steppe and semi-desert areas of Mongolia to positive in the northern taiga zone of the Eastern Siberia. Developments with the regards to this animal are largely due to the diversity of species and quality of the fox fur. Even more ancient – a female image of the fox was known as addition with the fox image as a messenger of the underworld. The presence of such an image in folklore, mythology and rituals, contact vixen with the cult of the stars indicate the totem character of the animal. In the tradition of the Mongolian peoples the attitude to fox have developed different ideas, taboos and customs, which may indicate a close ethnic and economic links between Mongolian and Turkic peoples, “forest” peoples and others.

kinship terms, maternal parentage, maternal uncle, nephews, cross-cousin marriage

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