ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2020. Vol. 34

Posolskaya-type Ceramics of the Multilayered Site Ust-Khaita (Southern Angara Region)

Full text (russian)

N. A. Saveliev, I. V. Ulanov

The article presents one of the largest collections of Posolskaya-type ceramics in the Angara region, which was found at the Ust-Khaita site. The Posolskaya-type ceramics has several unresolved problems in the field of chronology, technology, and correlation with other groups of Neolithic ceramics. In this regard, it is important to publish collections of Posolskaya ceramics from multilayered sites such as Ust-Khaita. The site locates in the middle reaches of the Belaya River on the territory of Mishelevka village. The excavations had been carried out in 2000 and the results were not fully published. The largest number of Posolskaya ceramics was found in layer 4. In addition, some of the fragments were found in layer 5 and single specimens in layers 6, 5a, and 3, which is associated with the activity of earth-moving animals and insects. In this article, we describe the Ust-Khaita’s Posolskaya ceramics and analyze its morphology, technology, and decor. In total, we examined 89 fragments from at least 18 vessels. In terms of size, the Ust-Khaita’s vessels are divided into two groups. The first includes small pots with a diameter of 12–17 cm (4 pots) and the second larger ones with a diameter of 24–36 cm (6 pots). The vessels have a simple closed shape or closed with weak profiling. All vessels have a thickening of the rim in the form of a triangular or oval molding or using an additional layer of clay. The ornament is located at the top part of the vessel. The rims of almost all vessels are decorated on the outside with impressions of a comb stamp placed directly or at an angle (in one case a zigzag from a series of such a stamp) and have a belt of round holes, which is located over the line made by tracing or using the retreat technique. Below the rim, the composition continues with horizontal carved lines, or a receding blade with a triangular working edge and ends with a series of separate pricks or triangular figures. The outer surface of the vessels is covered with impressions of a cord or ribbed scapula. Perhaps some of the vessels are smooth-walled. Posolskaya type vessels were made of ferruginous sandy clay without artificial additives by the method of zonal patchwork molding. Since there are no AMS dates for the layer 4 of Ust-Khaita, the age of the complex with the Posolakaya-type ceramics is determined based on similar 14C-dated sites with the Posolskaya ceramics in the range of ~6,7–6,3 ka cal BP.

About the Authors

Saveliev Nikolai Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Researcher, Scientific Research Center “Baikal region”, Irkutsk State University; 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, e-mail: archeolog@inbox.ru

Ulanov Ilia Viktorovich, Junior Researcher, Scientific Research Center “Baikal region”, Irkutsk State University; 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, e-mail: ussr-ilya@yandex.ru

For citation

Saveliev N. A., Ulanov I. V. Posolskaya-type Ceramics of the Multilayered Site Ust-Khaita (Southern Angara Region). Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2020, Vol. 34, pp. 38–48. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2020.34.38 (in Russ.)

Southern Angara, Ust-Khaita, geoarchaeology, multilayered situation, Neolithic, ancient pottery, Posolskaya type.

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