ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 15

New Multilayer Sites in the Aya Bay of the Lake Baikal (Based on Excavations of 2014)

Full text (russian)

A. G. Novikov, V. M. Novoseltseva, A. M. Klementiev

This article contains material on new multi-layer sites Aya III and Aya XIII. They are identified in the Aya bay on the west coast of the Lake Baikal in 2014. Determining the age of cultural layers was based on an analysis of the stratigraphy of the layers (with a regional scheme Late Pleistocene – Holocene sediments), on comparison of morphological features of archaeological materials and analogies with the synchronous artifacts well studied and dated by the radiocarbon method of the main geoarchaeological objects. At the site Aya III were recorded 5 cultural layers. Among them: I layer dates to ethno-historic period –the Iron Age, II – the Bronze Age, III – the Late Neolithic, IV – the Early Neolithic and V – the Mesolithic. At the site Aya XIII were recorded three cultural layers. Among them: I layer dates to ethno-historic period – the Iron Age, II – the Late Bronze Age – the Early Iron Age, III – the Mesolithic. After analyzing the complexes of the both sites it was made possible to suggest that in the Iron Age and in the ethno-historic period ancient population used the whole territory of the bay Aya. In the Neolithic and Bronze Age, they mostly used its coastal part.

Baikal area, multi-layer sites, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, ethno-historic period

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