ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2022. Vol 42

Analysis of the Cultural Layer and Taphonomy of Stone Tools (Based on Materials from the Caucasus)

Full text (russian)

L. V. Golovanova
A comprehensive analysis of the cultural layer is important for determining natural or intentional damage of stone tools in a particular industry. The study of stone tools taphonomy is also of great importance for interpretation of cultural complexes, reconstruction of adaptation models of Paleolithic humans in various environmental conditions. This article discusses the hypothesis of “trampling”, used to explain the increased number of denticulate tools in Cave sites. However, a comparative analysis of the number of artifacts per cubic meter, showing the intensity of habitation, and the number of denticulate tools shows the absence of direct correlation between these variables. There is also no direct relationship between the number of cave bear bones and the percentage of denticulate tools. The micro-facial analysis of the cultural layer is important, because human activity could vary greatly in different parts of the cultural layer. The example of the Akhshtyrskaya cave shows a change within the cultural layer in the composition of stone assemblages and fauna remains from the entrance towards the interior of the cave. The concept of the “cultural layer” includes: geological processes of the layer formation, postdepositional geological processes during formation of the layer, and postdepositional processes that destruct the layer after completion of its formation. The natural factors affecting the processes of formation and destruction of the cultural layer also include natural biological factors, such as bioturbation, "trampling", contribution of predators to faunal collections, and bone transformation (gnawing). The archaeological context of the cultural layer comprises human activity during formation of the layer and and its destruction by later inhabitants of the site. The examples given for the Caucasus Paleolithic sites show that the study of stone tools preservation made in the context of the planigraphic analysis of a cultural layer and its preservation in different areas provides valuable information for the interpretation of natural or artificial damages on stone tools. A thorough planigraphic analysis can help to clarify issues related to the origin of denticulation and other damages on stone artifacts, as well as if the damaged artifacts occur compactly and separately from the tools with a good preservation or were found in a joint occurrence. It is important to study the intentional manufacture of denticulate tools, formation of denticulation as a result of the functional use of tools. The unintentional formation of denticulation is closely related to natural geological processes.
About the Authors
Golovanova Liubov Vitalievna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Prehistory; 215, 6M, Liflandskaya st., St. Petersburg, 199020, Russian Federation, e-mail: mezmay57@mail.ru
For citation
Golovanova L. V. Analysis of the Cultural Layer and Taphonomy of Stone Tools (Based on Materials from the Caucasus). Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2022, Vol. 42, pp. 23–42. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2022.42.23 (in Russ.)
Caucasus, Paleolithic, cultural layer, denticulate tools, multidisciplinary research, taphonomy.

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