ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2024. Vol 48

Muruiskii Burial Ground of the Early Scythian Period: General Characteristics of the Complexes

Full text (russian)

V. S. Nikolaev, O. B. Varlamov
This article presents the results of the excavations of the first burial ground of the Early Scythian period in the Cis-Baikal, which was named “Muruyskii”. In total, 6 burial and ritual complexes have been identified and investigated. People were buried in graves under oval stone structures made of red-colored sandstone slabs and large pebble boulders. The deceased were stretched out on their backs, with their heads facing south. The grave goods included a variety of items made of bronze, stone, bone and horn: arrowheads, bow linings, spoon-shaped and granular pendants, carabiner hooks, plaques-patches with images of animals in the Scythian-Siberian style, hemispherical and “pearl” plaques, mirror, spiral rings, etc. The discovered and investigated Muruiskii burial ground, consisting of 4 burials and 2 related ritual and memorial complexes, can be included in the Butukhei burial group of Baikal Siberia, the age of which was determined by the 14th – 1st centuries BC. However, the rich and diverse accompanying inventory with a large number of bronze items (over 200 units), some of which are decorated with images of animals, and in addition, well-preserved bone and horn items, including a plate with images of deer in the Argan-Mayemir style and a three-headed horn psalium, sharply distinguish the Muruiskii burial ground from other sites of the Butukhei type and demonstrate its Early Scythian appearance. Archaeological materials also show undoubted connections between the burial ground and sites of the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age not only in regions adjacent to the Cis-Baikal, but also in more distant territories. Based on radiocarbon dating (LSC) results, the age of the burial ground can be determined so far in a wide range from the 11th to the 5th centuries BC. It can be narrowed and specified after conducting a series of analytical and research works, providing a complete characterization of this site, obtaining new radiocarbon dates (AMS), a detailed analysis of the burial rite and grave goods, origin, distribution boundaries, interaction with archaeological cultures of the Scythian type in neighboring regions, etc. But it is already clear that the Muruiskii burial ground is a striking and interesting monument of the Cis-Baikal from the era of the development of nomadic cattle breeding in this region.
About the Authors

Nikolaev Vadim Stanislavovich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Archaeologist, LLC NPO “Ekspertiza”; 69, Pervomaiskii microdistrict, Irkutsk, 664058, Russian Federation, e-mail: vsnikolaev2008@yandex.ru

Varlamov Oleg Borisovich, Archaeologist, Independent scientist; 36, Budapeshtskaya st., Saint Petersburg, 192071, Russian Federation, e-mail: obowaro@mail.ru

For citation

Nikolaev V. S., Varlamov O. B. Muruiskii Burial Ground of the Early Scythian Period: General Characteristics of the Complexes. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2024, Vol. 48, pp. 46–72. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2024.48.46 (In Russ.)

Cis-Baikal, Early Iron Age, Early Scythian time, burial ground, burial, ritual and memorial complex, bronze items, Scythian-Siberian animal style.

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