ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 18

Ethnic and Religious Identity in the Borderland of Cultures (End of XX – Beginning of XXI Centuries)

Full text (russian)

O. V. Buraeva
The escalation of ethnic and religious conflicts in the end of XX century in different countries of the world, including Russia, represents huge interest to the study of ethnic identity formation, the ratio of ethnic and religious identities. Russia has a certain experience of positive co-existence of various peoples in the conditions of multi-confessional and poly-ethnic state. Despite the fact that in the 1990s, public and political organizations have sought to bring the ethnic factor into politics, the growth of ethnic consciousness was replaced in the 2000s with the positive orientation of ethnic tolerance. The syncretism of religious beliefs, formed over a long period of intercultural ethnic peoples of Buryatia became more prominent. Based on the materials of ethno-sociological research conducted in rural areas of ethnic Buryatia, the interaction between ethnic and religious identities is considered in the framework of a single Russian civilization. Speaking about the actualization of ethnicity in the end of XX – beginning of XXI centuries it is more correct to use the term "national-cultural renaissance." In the territory of Buryatia the ethnic identity dominates its religious one. Three and a half centuries of interethnic communication have led to a high degree of mutual influence and cultural integration. During this period, it was collected an extensive experience of cooperation of the peoples inhabiting the Baikal region, formed a common layer of culture, which serves today as a factor of interethnic stability in the region.
ethnic identity, religious identity, ethnic Buryatia, Russians, Buryats, Evenks, ethnosociology

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