ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 18

The Central Asian Nomads of Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Baikal Region (Reasons for the Appearance in the Region)

Full text (russian)

A. D. Tsibiktarov
The article is devoted to issues related to the Slab Grave Culture in the Baikal region. The author presents historiographic review in which the views of various researchers from the late 19th century up to date are exposed, as well as the reasons for the migration of the population of Slab Grave Culture to this region, the historical interpretation of materials of these monuments. The author forwards the view that the emergence of the slab graves in the Baikal region was not the result oft he large-scale migration of this culture population from the Transbaikalia due to the political events (Xiongnu expansion to the territories inhabited by the Slab Grave Culture population), the pressure of surplus population on the productive forces and the changes in the natural conditions in Transbaikalia and Mongolia in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages. The author argues that the resettlement of the population of Slab Grave Culture in small groups to certain isolated areas of the Baikal region with the purpose of establishment of economic ties and share of production facilities (metallurgy of bronze, iron, cattle breeding) with the local population in exchange of products of hunting and fishing.
Baikal region, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, slab graves, dissemination of monuments, dating, historical interpretation, economy, exchange

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