ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 18

Physico-Chemical Study of Neolithic Pottery (Lower Amur Region, Suchu Settlement, Excavation Trench I, 1973)

Full text (russian)

V. E. Medvedev, I. V. Filatova
The article represents the results of physico-chemical analysis of the Neolithic pottery from the excavation trench I on Suchu Island (1973). With the help of petrography and radiography the fragments of vessels of Malyshevo and Kondon cultures, Belkachy cultures and chronological complex of Middle Neolithic, Voznesenovsk culture of late Neolithic, cultural and chronological type of final Neolithic were investigated. We traced the differences in choosing the clays and in the molding compositions, but their mineral structure is basically similar. X-ray analysis confirmed the data on the mineral composition in pottery obtained by petrography. As a result of studies we found a difference in the choice of the type of clay in the molding compositions of the Neolithic pottery of various cultural and chronological affiliation, but by its mineral composition the samples of different stages of the Neolithic era are largely similar. The last fact is the evidence of the continuity of the traditions of Neolithic population's pottery on Suchu Island. In the case of representatives of Malyshevo and Belkachy cultures we are talking about their quite probable, but short contact, which is also indicated by chronological and stratigraphic data. In the case of representatives of Voznesenovsk culture (creators of Final Neolithic pottery) — we talk about the possible mixing of the complexes, as evidenced, first of all the ornament. Subsequent comprehensive studies using traditional methods of archeology and natural sciences will clarify and supplement the information obtained.
Lower Amur region, Suchu Island, Neolithic, pottery complexes, physico-chemical studies, petrography, radiography

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