ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 18

Anthropological Characteristics of the Don Region Population of Abashevo Culture (Based on the Burial Mound Second Lipetsk)

Full text (russian)

M. M. Gerasimova, S. B. Borutskaya, S. V. Vasiliev, R. A. Tyurin
The results published of the study of paleoanthropological material from the burial ground "Second Lipetsk mound", which belongs to the Don-Volga embodiment of Abashevo cultural-historical community. We have studied according to the standard program 2 cranial skull belonged to a man. In addition, were measured and studied 22 male and 2 female skeleton of varying degrees of preservation. Craniological features of found skulls show the absence of any unity of carriers of Abashevo cultural and historical entity as reported on the basis of archaeological material over a wide area. It can be concluded that in the Middle Don region were living representatives of Abashevo culture, similar in its characteristics with Abashevo people in Chuvashia, rather than with those buried in the Pepkino cemetery. The difference with the latter is with more mature Lipetsk skulls and height of the cranium. From other Chuvash skulls they differ by the size of the upper facial height. This population is also characterized by the average values of the index of limb proportions and varied body length – from low to high.
Eastern Europe, Late Bronze Age, Abashevo archaeological culture, craniology, osteology

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