ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2017. Vol. 21

Zoomorphic Images of Groitzsch in the Context of Paleoart Problems

Full text (russian)

I. V. Shmidt, I. Kraft
This article is dedicated to the exploration of the informative nature of Paleolithic art using the example of a lithic figurine and an engraving of horses from the Paleolithic site Groitzsch (Germany, Saxony, Leipzig region). The site belongs to the Alleröd – Late Dryas stage with a valid borer-backed bladelet component. We briefly explain the history of the discoveries and artifacts as well as the most important relevant results of this late Paleolithic site rich in lithic finds (Late Magdalénian, ~14 500 Years BP). Except the presentation of unknown for the most of specialists the objects of art, the issue of verification methods for flinty mobile Paleolithic figurines is raised again. The article argues that unity of the image and plot of engravings became an important argument for identifications of flinty figurine. The specifics of flinty figurine are supposed to be in volume transmission of mono-image. The composition and visual language of this figurine are brought to the fore as the interest in the interpretation of this language among the scientists grows again. The uniqueness of the selected material is considered as evidence of the existence of several inherent image formats. Etchings' features form separate research field. The engravings executed on a tile of black slate are well read, but, apparently, have different authors. It is confirmed by distinction of stylistics of images, a difference in realization of key details of images, masters used different tools. There are signs of an order of their emergence on a plate and traces of destruction they images. Paleoart context of materials under consideration can be represented in following way: authorship of etching images – there is suggestion about three masters took part in creating etchings interpretation of a story line, that is, obviously, dedicated to horse hunting, bringing together etchings and figurine epistemological order of creating flinty image and its following representation in archaeological artifacts collection argumentation in favor of the fact of existing “art flint” in the Late Paleolithic epoch.
Western Europe, Northern Saxony, Paleolithic, mobile art, images of horses

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