ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2017. Vol. 20

Late Paleolithic Site Cheremushki 2 on the Area of Krasnoyarsk Reservoir: on the Problem of the Final Stage of Kokorevo Culture

Full text (russian)

E. V. Akimova, V. M. Kharevich, A. A. Vashkov, I. V. Stasyuk, A. F. Sanko
Paleolithic site Cheremushki 2 on the northern area of Krasnoyarsk reservoir is quite significant for studying of Siberian Paleolithic in case of two aspects: specific features of Kokorevo culture stone industry development during the period of Pleistocene – Holocene mostly effective methods of preserving archaeological heritage in abrasion conditions. The site in the mouth of Cheremushki bay was discovered by N. F. Lisitsin in 1987, and later was studied by a group of archaeologists of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS in 2014–2015. For today, the site Cheremushki 2 is almost destroyed but the part of cultural layer was founded in one of the three pits on the area of bank shoal. On the sandy clay bottom, there were 20 archaeological items such as flakes, microblades and an obvious burin made on a flake-blade. Surface findings were recorded on the lower layers down to 130 meters. For three years and half of research there were founded at least 3500 stone artifacts such as cores for big flake-blades, wedge-shaped cores, side-scrapers on large flakes, end-scraper on flakes and end-scrapers on blades, various pebble tools, blanks. In a small number chisel-like tools, knife-like tools on blades and burins. A few faunal material represented with bones of bison, horses, mammoth and reindeer were also discovered. An inventory type allows to attribute the site to Kokorevo culture and date it at the late stage of Kokorevo culture. Late date of Cheremushki II site confirms Z. Abramova hypothesis that Kokorevo culture existed before Early Holocene period had happened. Also it allows to consider the tendencies of Kokorevo culture development during the period of Pleistocene – Holocene. Mostly common characteristic features of Kokorevo culture on its late stage can be: prevail of insert tools and increasing of microcores amount caused decreasing of the amount of stone points flakes become widely used as blank for burins and end-scrapers although borers and chisel-like tools are extrinsic to Kokorevo culture, its amount starts to increase.
Krasnoyarsk reservoir, Final Paleolithic, Early Holocene, cultural layer, Kokorevo culture

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