ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 15

The Role of Copper Deposits and Copper Occurrences in the Formation of Beregovskii Archaeological Microdistrict of the Bronze Age (Bashkirian Urals)

Full text (russian)

E. V. Ruslanov

In the study of archeological districts of the Bronze Age it's often observed a certain regularity in the location of archaeological sites near the mines. The article presents the data on monuments, materials which illustrate the entire cycle of metallurgical activities from mining (extraction of ore), smelting of metal from ore to metal. This speaks in favor of the fact that smelting of ore is not done in the mines, and the settlements, which everywhere occur in stationary workshops. This article provides information on this site ore occurrences and points of mineralization of copper relevant to Kuyurgazy – Belorechensky area copper deposits. It shows features characteristic for metallurgy of the population of the neighborhood in Abashevo and Srubnaya culture. The data obtained by the lithologic-petrographic analysis of a series of working tools with Yumakovskoe II and III settlements. It was established that on the territory of Beregovo district the products associated with copper metallurgy were put in the form of finished products and brought by people who are familiar with metalworking and ore. The possible impulses associated with the circle of monuments of Sintashta, where the population could participate in the process of making tools in different stages of the metallurgical process. The work discusses the thesis about the relationship of a horse-metal, where the horse, and with it finds of curb bits can act as markers, the possible participation of the inhabitants of microdistrict in trading operations associated with the metal.

Southern Urals, Bronze Age, archaeological microdistrict, metallurgy, copper, Abashevo culture, Srubnaya culture, Sintashta culture, cheekpieces, ore

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