ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 15

The Crisis of the Soviet Identity as Factor of the USSR Collapse

Full text (russian)

V. А. Turaev

The article discusses the crisis of the Soviet civil identity, which led to the collapse of the USSR. The causes of the crisis that had matured long before the disappearance of the country, and issues that were generated by restructuring processes. Among the factors that contributed to the increase of the crisis phenomena in the sphere of civic identity, considers the socio-demographic changes in the country by the end of 1970s, socio-age conflict in the nomenclature environment, the error of the class policy of the Communist party, reflected the deep social changes in the society, ideological split of the society, the rejection of ideological values of the older generations by the youth, the loss of respect for political leaders, which could not fail to affect the attitude to the country. The process of destruction of Soviet identity in the years of perestroika shows how focused the company on the dismantling of the Soviet people and state was led. Policy of glasnost, which has become an important tool for the company, caused a loss of faith in the historical mission of the state, disappointment in ideals, which was not questioned, lack of confidence in the existing government and as a consequence – the collapse of the USSR.

crisis of Soviet identity, socio-age conflict, ideological split of the society, the policy of glasnost, the dismantling of the Soviet system

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