ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2019. Vol. 28

Radiocarbon Dates through the Prism of Geoarchaeology

Full text (russian)

A. N. Sorokin

The article deals with the problems which are sufficiently new and debatable in frames of archaeological knowledge, so it would not be accepted by all researchers. The sense of the text is reduced to the analysis of natural patterns influenced to the age of radiocarbon dates. The specifics of journal volume impose restrictions on the composition and number of studied phenomena and amount of involved data. This prompted us to consider only the c oalification phenomenon of organic residues and turn to the maximum series of dates obtained from Belivo-4A and Chernaya-1 sites, which are located in the Meshchera outwash (sandar) lowland. The analysis is based on the principles of young (for our science) direction named geoarchaeology. As shown, most dates of both sites are not related to archaeological sites itself, but reflected the patterns of natural development, to which all geoarchaeological sites are exposed mainly at the taphonomic stage of its existence. Coalification as other natural processes is a permanent phenomenon, but it does not mean that it affects all areas and objects, devoid of organic materials, like sandar geoarchaeological sites Belivo-4A and Chernaya-1. That is why the results of this phenomenon’s impact to the territories of geoarchaeological sites will often be local, and the range of obtained dates will not be endless, although it will exceed the time of existence of particular archaeological site. It is important to emphasize that some archaeological complexes are by no means of anthropogenic, but natural origin. In such cases, they all relate to archaeological sites only because they were recorded during the excavation as elements of the cultural layer (fireplaces, house pitfalls, household pits etc.), although in reality this is not so. Unfortunately, mistaken interpretations of field observations are inherent not only to beginners, but also to experienced archaeologists. The knowledge of the geoarchaeological principles allows to minimize all these misconceptions.

About the Authors

Sorokin Aleksei Nikolaevich, Doctor of Sciences (History), Leading Researcher, Institute of Archaeology of RAS; 19, Dm. Ulyanov st., Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation, e-mail: ansorokin52@gmail.com

For citation

Sorokin A. N. Radiocarbon Dates Through the Prism of Geoarchaeology. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2019, Vol. 28, pp. 52–68. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2019.28.52 (in Russ.)

Meshchera outwash lowland, radiocarbon dating, geoarcheology, geoarcheological objects, humification and coalification phenomena

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