ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2020. Vol. 31

Olov Khamnigans in the 19th Century: Ethnic Composition and Allocation

Full text (russian)

B. Z. Nanzatov, M. M. Sodnompilova

This article continues the series of the works devoted to the study of the ethnic composition of the Buryat and Khamnigan departments of the 19th century. One of the self-government bodies of indigenous of the Transbaikal in the 19th century was the Urulginskaya Steppe Duma, the main population of which was the Tungus of the Manchu tribe, as they were characterized by the Russian administration. One of the boards of this Duma was the Olovskaya indigenous Council. The department is of particular interest in terms of the ethnic composition of its population and its origin. The ethnic composition of the Urulga Steppe Duma revealed the extensive contacts of the Upper Amur – Shilka population with the vast area of the Transbaikal-Amur subregion, including the territories of Inner Asia, North Asia and Amur region. Different groups of horse and deer Tungus, on the one hand, and various groups of the Mongolian population, including the Khingan Mongols, Daurians and Buryats, on the other hand, took part in its formation. Also more ancient contacts of the Tungus with the Yukagirs were found. The composition of the Urulga Steppe Duma initially included five indigenous authorities. One of them was the Olovskaya indigenous Authority (Uprava). The Khitan, and subsequently Daurian population, which came into close contact with both the Tungus-Manchu tribes and the Bargy-Buryat groups of the population, created a special layer of the population – Khamnigan people. However, in Russian documents the entire population of the Urulga Steppe Duma, a part of which also was the Olovskaya indigenous Authority (Uprava) recorded as Tungus. The ethnic composition of the Olov Khamnigans shows that the population of the upper Amur – Shilka, has incorporated various ethnic elements not only from the Middle Ages, but also from antiquity. The article suggested the authors’ vision of origin of ethnonyms of the population of authority and their development. A number of ethnonyms such as Duligar, Bayagir, Kylteger discovers the presence of the Tungusic and Mongolic strata in the face of Khamnigan-Mongols, Daurs, Buryats. The Mongolic stratum is also represented by the bearers of the ethnonym Üzön, which has analogies in eastern and central Mongolia, among the Selenga Buryats and among the Kipchak tribe, which is part of the Kazakhs of Middle Juz. A detailed map of the settlement of the Olov Khamnigans was compiled, based on the census tables.

About the Authors

Nanzatov Bair Zoriktoevich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Senior Researcher, Department of History, Ethnology and Sociology, Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies SB RAS; 6, Sakhyanova st, Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation, e-mail: nanzatov@yandex.ru 

Sodnompilova Marina Mikhailovna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Department of Ethnology and Folkart Culture, East-Siberian State Institute of Culture; 1, Tereshkova st., Ulan-Ude, 670031, Russian Federation, e-mail: sodnompilova@yandex.ru

For citation

Nanzatov B. Z., Sodnompilova M. M. Olov Khamnigans in the 19th Century: Ethnic Composition and Allocation. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2020, Vol. 31, pp. 17–30. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2020.31.17 (in Russ.)

Khamnigan, Nerchinsk Tungus, Evenks, Mongolian peoples, Buryats, ethnogenesis, ethnonym, mapping

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