ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2021. Vol 38

About the Age and Place of the Upper Paleolithic Site Vesna in the Paleolithic of the South of Middle Siberia

Full text (russian)

D. N. Molchanov, S. A. Peskov, I. V. Sterkhova, A. M. Klementyev
In the archaeology, the problem of the transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic is considered as one of the key problems. This article presents the study results of the Vesna site (initial stage of the Upper Paleolithic), located in the south of Middle Siberia on the territory of Irkutsk amphitheater in the lower reaches of the Kuda river. Lithic industry of the Vesna site is based on the use of platy mudstone and is characterized by the blade production of within the of plain longitudinal and by-longitudinal knapping. The tool set of the assemblage contains both Middle and Upper Paleolithic types of tools. The tools on the blades are predominant in this assemblage. Radiocarbon data obtained in different laboratories using the AMS method show the dates 46,700±3400, 43,300±1700, and 40,600±1300 BP. They indicate the Early and Middle Karginian age of this archaeological complex. New finds obtained in 2018 expand our understanding of the industry of Vesna site. Among the finds, tools with a flattened base stand out, which indicates the possible use by the inhabitants of the site of composite tools and, possibly, weapons. In general, the Vesna assemblage finds its analogues with industries from the Arembovskii and the Aksenov sites, also situated in the Irkutsk amphitheater, which are based on similar mudstone raw materials. Their age was previously determined by the final of MIS 3, with certain reservations. Our studies indicate the earliest time of the appearance of the carriers of these industries on the territory of the Irkutsk amphitheater and the Southern Angara region. This reasonably raises the question of the time of their existence in this area. Based on the totality of data, it can be argued that, in general, in the south of Middle Siberia, the industry of the Vesna complex shows the greatest similarity with the materials of the reference Upper Paleolithic site in region – Makarovo 4, the age of which, based on the analysis of stratigraphy (by the author of the excavations M. P. Aksenov), was estimated within the first half of MIS 3. The issue of the timeframe of the appearance and spread of Upper Paleolithic industries in Eurasia is in this case a general issue. This highlights the importance of its regional aspects, one of which is discussed in this article.
About the Authors

Molchanov Dmitrii Nikolaevich, Research Engineer, Scientific Research Center “Baikal Region”, Irkutsk State University; 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, e-mail: dmi_molchanov@mail.ru

Peskov Sergey Alexandrovich, Leading Specialist of the Department of Preparation and Implementation of Measures for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Archaeology) of Center for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Irkutsk Region, 2, 5th Army st., Irkutsk, 664025, Russian Federation, e-mail: ippeskov@mail.ru

Sterkhova Inga Vladimirovna, Leading Specialist-expert of the Department of Archaeology of the Service for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Irkutsk Region, 2, 5th Army st., Irkutsk, 664025, Russian Federation, e-mail: stinga.78@mail.ru

Klementyev Alexey Mikhailovich, Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), Senior Laboratory Assistant, Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB RAS, 128, Lermontov st., Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation, e-mail: klem-al@yandex.ru

For citation
Molchanov D. N., Peskov S. A., Sterkhova I. V., Klementyev A. M. About the Age and Place of the Upper Paleolithic Site Vesna in the Paleolithic of the South of Middle Siberia. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2021, Vol. 38, pp. 34–58. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2021.38.34 (in Russ.)
South of Middle Siberia, Irkutsk Amphitheater, Irkutsk amphitheater, Kuda river valley, Initial Upper Paleolithic, Karginian interstadial, stone industry

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