ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2017. Vol. 22

History of the Neolithic and Bronze Age Study of Northern Angara Region: Part 1 (18th Century – 20–30s of the 20th Century)

Full text (russian)

D. N. Lokhov, S. P. Dudaryok

The article presents the study of history of the archaeological in Northern Angara region (18th Century – 20–30s of the 20th Century). In the 18th and early 19th centuries, archaeology as a science in Russia was in its infancy. At this time, there was the accumulation of random facts and findings, which are often understood by the researchers subjectively. The same pattern was observed in the Northern Angara region, where the first researchers collected archaeological material. History of the archaeological study of Neolithic and the Bronze Age sites can be divided into 3 main periods. First period covers the time period from the early 18th century until the late 19th century. The beginning of the study of the past of the Northern Angara region was supposed to be the First Academic expedition of D. G. Messerschmidt (1719–1727), which was established by decree of Peter I on November 15, 1718. The expedition was directed to the study of Siberia in the field of geography, meteorology, natural history, medicine, antiquities, and descriptions of Siberian peoples. Following scientists, who studied the past of the region, were employees of the Great Northern expedition (1733–1743) I. G. Gmelin and G. F. Miller. A great contribution to the study of the archaeological past of the Northern Angara region was made by prisoners of war and exiles. Among them can be named F. I. Strahlenberg (Tabbert) and A. N. Radishchev. In 1871 ethnographic research conducted by P. A. Rovinskii. In 1874 the geological exploration of the lower reaches of the Angara River conducted by I. A. Lopatin. He opened the mouth of the river Chadobets the site of ancient people. The first scientific exploration with the aim of finding and studying ancient sites was taken by N. I. Vitkovskii. They were discovered and explored the sites of ancient people, excavated, and described archaeological material. N. I. Vitkovskii was the founder of all future archaeology of Northern Angara region. The second period of archaeological research on the degree of systematic research can be divided into 4 stages. The first stage covers the 20 years of the 20th century. At this time begin to form two Siberian scientific centers in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk. During 1925–1926 the first scientific archaeological exploration along the Ilim River has made by Y. N. Khodukin. He opened 20 sites and noticed a lot of places. In 1929 G. F. Debets continued investigations in the valley of the Ilim River.

Northern Angara region, archaeological research, D. G. Messershmidt, G. F. Miller, I. A. Lopatin, East-Siberian Department of Russian Geographical Society, N. I. Vitkovskii, Y. N. Khodukin, G. F. Debets

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