ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 17

Folklore of the Russian Diaspora of Three River Region (Sanhe Qu) as the Basis of the Ethnicity Preservation

Full text (russian)

А. А. Zabiyako, А. P. Zabiyako, Ya. V. Zinenko, Zhang Ruyang
The article based on the materials of field researches of Russian-speaking diaspora of Three River Region (Sanhe Qu), Inner Mongolia, China conducted in 2015–2016, and is concerned with the ethno-cultural strategies of Russian identity preservation in the Chinese environment. The authors conclude that for this ethnic group (official Russian ethnic group of China) language and folklore are the most important factors of preserving Russian identity. Folklore used to carry out the mission of fixing, preservation and transmission of the historical memory and main ideas of Russian culture within the Russian diaspora of Three River Region that had not have access to education, church life, and ideology of the exodus country. Previously unknown folklore texts (lyrical songs, nursery rhymes, folk songs, folk stories, fairy tales) and the texts previously prevailing in the territories of Transbaikalia, East Siberia, and now preserved only among the Russian population of Three River Region are published and analyzed in the article. Special features of the folklore of Russian diaspora in the Chinese Three River Region are, on the one hand, the current existence of their archaic variants, on the other – appearance of the other-cultural (Chinese, Mongolian) motives and images. Despite the other-cultural component, Russian folklore showed the flexibility, vitality, and resistance to foreign cultural influences, habitual to its rich nature. Functioning on the «grassroots level» (in everyday life and within the families of the inhabitants of Three River Region) it withstood the pressure of the «cultural revolution» and other political campaigns that exploded some other, more strongly marked, foundations of the way of life of Russians in Three River Region – school education, church orthodoxy, etc.
migrations, Three River Region (Sanhe Qu), China, ethnography, language, folklore, ethnicity

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