ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 18

Odontological Characteristics of Evenks in the Amur Region: New Data

Full text (russian)

N. A. Leibova, A. P. Zabiyako
A new data on dental anthropology of the Amur Evenks, living on the territory of Amur Region is published for the first time. An analysis of the material collected in 2015 and 2016 during the Amur anthropological expedition is presented in this article. Totally 129 persons were examined: 70 of them comprised Evenks group and 59 persons were representatives of the mixed Evenks-Russian population. A frequency analysis of basic dental features allows us to classify a group of Evenks peoples of the Amur region as the representatives of the Eastern dental stem. The peculiarity of the manifestation of teeth-jaw apparatus reduction process of studied populations is a weak manifestation of reduction process in class of molars (both upper and lower) in combination with very high frequencies of crowding of the upper and lower lateral incisors. Visual impression of similarity of the dental complexes of the Amur and Western Evenks is confirmed by calculation of average taxonomic distances (ATD) between three groups of Evenks: ATD between Amur and Southern was only 0.33. Southern Evenks of Khabarovsk Krai were almost equidistant from the Amur and Western Evenks, the ATD varying from 0.70 to 0.73 respectively. Analysis of the frequencies of the Amur Evenks dental traits showed that anthropologically they demonstrate unity with the Evenks of Eastern Siberia. Their similarities with the neighbouring Evenks region – Khabarovsk is much less vivid.
physical anthropology, Tungus-Manchu peoples, Amur Evenks, dental anthropology

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