ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2017. Vol. 22

Archaeozoological Studies of Multilayered Site Ostrov Listvenichnyi (Northern Angara Region)

Full text (russian)

A. M. Klementiev, A. M. Kuznetsov, E. O. Rogovskoi
Last decade the extensive field research in the Northern Angara region led to a huge number of found and excavated sites. Among the most prominent sites it is safe to mention the Ostrov Listvenichnyi. Topography, representative stratigraphy, original and numerous artifacts put this site in the list of key object of the Baikal Siberia for Holocene. Cultural deposits were found at the Ostrov Listvenichnyi, which was opened during the work on the Angara River, in the flood zone of Boguchany HPP in 2011–2012 field seasons and the rescue operations. The article is concerned with archeozoological materials obtained during excavations of the site Ostrov Listvenichnyi. The results of an analysis of the composition, conservation, and size of the paleofaunal remains are presented. The species composition of the Final Mesolithic and Early Neolithic layers indicates the abundance of hunting objects directly in the floodplain of the Angara River, including the islands. Mammals were represented by species of the taiga (elk, sable, kolinsky, and brown bear) theriocomplex and intrazonal migrants along river valleys (roe deer, red deer) already in the Early Holocene. The share of burned fragments of bones and finished pieces is high at the site, which distinguishes it among other complexes of Early and Middle Holocene in the Northern Angara region. The raw materials and methods of preparing bone and horn blanks were established. Mammals of Kata-Yodarma area of Angara valley were the basis of management of the ancient population of the island. Hunting probably had specialized seasonal trends. A permanent hunting activity of the population was a dog. The multiplicity of indeterminate fragments testifies to the intensive utilization of the prey (possibly including carcasses of predators) thus here we observe the fully formed trophic interaction of man and animals of the theriocomplex of the Angara Valley in the first third of the Holocene. In conclusion noted that Ostrov Listvenichnyi was the seasonal camp of hunter-gatherers specialized in bag of game (moose, roe deer and fish).
Northern Angara region, Mesolithic, Early Neolithic, archaeozoological research, paleofaunal remains, bone pieces

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