ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2021. Vol. 36

New Data on the Economic Activity of Ancient Population on the Little Sea of Lake Baikal (Based on Fauna Materials from the Shrakshura 3 Site)

Full text (russian)

A. G. Novikov, O. I. Goriunova, D. G. Malikov, A. M. Mamontov

The article discusses the results of fauna materials' analysis from the complexes of the Shrakshura 3 site, situated on the northwestern coast of Mukhor Bay (Little Sea of Lake Baikal). The analysis of 5862 animals’ bones and teeth obtained from three cultural layers of this site was carried out. The methodology is based on the taxonomic diversity study among identifiable animal species, the number of species and their quantitative indicators. Most of the fauna remains (5137 pieces) is recorded in the cultural layer 2, dating back to the early Neolithic in the chronological range of 7420–7290 cal BP. The fauna remains of the Early Neolithic cultural layer 1 (7170–6970 cal BP) are similar in species composition to the fauna from the layer 2. Judging by both the faunal remains and a set of tools (sinkers for fishing nets made of flat pebbles, composite fish hooks, fragments of bait fish and a horn tool for knitting nets), the Early Neolithic population of the e site was mainly engaged in fishing. The fish is represented by coastal species: perch, pike, roach, crucian carp. Fishing gear made it possible to reconstruct the methods of fish catching: with a net (as better productive method) and with the help of individual use tools (fishing rods). Hunting was a secondary activity. The objects of hunting were ungulates, carnivorous mammals, and birds. In general, the population led a complex appropriating economy, combining fishing (as the main activity) and hunting. The absence of traces of dwellings, long-term fireplaces and production area in the layers characterizes these complexes as short-term seasonal campsites. The large number of fish bones suggests a specialized (aimed at catching fish) nature of the campsites. In the complex of cultural layer 0 of the Shrakshura 3 site, dated back to the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, the bones of domestic animals were recorded. In general, the clear stratigraphic situation of the Shrakshura 3 site and the presence of radiocarbon dates helps to identify and characterize the Early Neolithic fauna remains in the range of the 7420–6970 cal BP, as well as to reconstruct the economic activities of the ancient population of this chronological period, living on the coast of Little Sea of Lake Baikal. Previously, all reconstructions were based only on materials of Ityrkhei site, where layers of the Early Neolithic were recorded.

About the Authors

Novikov Aleksei Gennadievich, Candidate of Siences (History), Researcher, Scientific Research Center “Baikal region”; Associate Professor, Department of World History and International Relations, Irkutsk State University; 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, e-mail: as122@yandex.ru

Goriunova Olga Ivanovna, Candidate of Siences (History), Senior Researcher, Scientific Research Center “Baikal region”, Irkutsk, State University; 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, e-mail: as122@yandex.ru

Malikov Dmitriy Gennadievich, Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), Senior Researcher, V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS; 3, Acad. Koptyuga av., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation; Researcher, Scientific Research Center “Baikal Region”, Laboratory of Geoarcheology of Baikal Siberia, Irkutsk State University; 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, e-mail: dgmalikov@igm.nsc.ru

Mamontov Anatoliy Mikhaylovich, Candidate of Siences (Biology), Researcher, Limnological Institute SB RAS; 3, Ulan-Batorskaya st., Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation, e-mail: mamontov@lin.irk.ruM]

For citation

Novikov A. G., Goriunova O. I., Malikov D. G., Mamontov A. M. New Data on the Economic Activity of Ancient Population on the Little Sea of Lake Baikal (Based on Fauna Materials from the Shrakshura 3 Site). Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2021, Vol. 36, pp. 3–11. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2021.36.3 (in Russ.)

Lake Baikal, Cis-Olkhon region, site, Early Neolithic, fauna remains, game species of animals, economic activity.

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