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List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2021. Vol 38

Geometric Microliths in the Upper Paleolithic of the Caucasus and Adjacent Territories

Full text (russian)

L. V. Golovanova, V. B. Doronichev, E. V. Doronicheva, A. G. Nedomolkin
At present, the sites of the Upper Paleolithic of the Caucasus with an age ranging from 25–23 to 12–10 ka cal BP it is proposed to single out a separate period – the Epipaleolithic, by analogy with the Near East. This article summarizes data on the appearance of geometric microliths in the Epipaleolithic of the Caucasus and traces their changes during three main stages. The study is based on stratified assemblages with radiocarbon dates. The problem of appearance and spread of geometric microliths in the Upper Paleolithic of the Caucasus is considered in comparison with adjacent regions. A review of the Epipaleolithic industries of the Caucasus and adjacent territories (the Levant, Zagros, Anatolia, northeastern Azov Sea region, and Crimea) shows a variegated picture of the appearance of various forms of such forms in these regions. The current data unambiguously indicate that at the early stage of the Epipaleolithic geometric microliths are known only in the Levant and the South Caucasus. Based on the published data, it is possible to analyse the distribution of some forms. For example, scalene triangles are identified in the Near East and the South Caucasus at all stages of the Epipaleolithic. The earliest appearance of proto trapezes is noted in the Kebarian at the early stage of the Levantine Epipaleolithic. In the South Caucasus, according to current data, they are known only in the late stage of the Epipaleolithic. In the North Caucasus, trapezes are found starting from the middle stage of the Epipaleolithic. In Crimea, trapezes are characteristic of the late stage of the Epipaleolithic. In the North- Eastern Azov Sea region trapezes are absent, but parallelograms are represented. Segments are the most common form in all regions. The shape and nature of the processing of the segments may differ. The composition and diversity of geometric microliths could change at the sites within the same cultural area. This is clearly seen in the regions that are well studied and where there are known many sites having different economic specialization. Various methods of the attaching of geometric microliths to the shaft have provided the advantage of this type of tool. The modularity of such compound tools made it possible to increase the efficiency of making projectile weaponry. It is this advantage that facilitated distribution of geometric microliths in the Epipaleolithic over wide areas.
About the Authors

Golovanova Liubov Vitalievna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Prehistory; 215, 6M, Liflandskaya st., St. Petersburg, 199020, Russian Federation, e-mail: mezmay57@mail.ru

Doronichev Vladimir Borisovich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Director, Laboratory of Prehistory; 215, 6M, Liflandskaya st., St. Petersburg, 199020, Russian Federation, e-mail: labprehistory@yandex.ru

Doronicheva Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Prehistory; 215, 6M Liflandskaya st., St. Petersburg, 199020, Russian Federation, e-mail: edoronicheva87@yandex.ru

Nedomolkin Andrey Georgievich,Candidate of Sciences (History), Museum Curator, Researcher, National Museum of the Adygeya Republic; 229, Sovetskaya st., Maikop, 385000, Russian Federation, Laboratory of Prehistory; 215, 6M Liflandskaya st., St. Petersburg, 199020, Russian Federation,e-mail: nedomolkinandrei@mail.ru

For citation
Golovanova L. V., Doronichev V. B., Doronicheva E. V., Nedomolkin A. G. Geometric Microliths in the Upper Paleolithic of the Caucasus and Adjacent Territories. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2021, Vol. 38, pp. 78–111. https://doi.org/10.26516/2227-2380.2021.38.78 (in Russ.)
Caucasus, Near East, Azov Sea region, Crimea, Epipaleolithic, dating, geometric microliths

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