ISSN 2227-2380 (Print)

List of issues > «Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series». 2016. Vol. 17

Gender Symbolism on Medieval Stone Statue

Full text (russian)

E. R. Usmanova, L. N. Ermolenko, T. K. Mkrtychev, M. A. Antonov
The article analyses the Qipcaq statue from Kyzly first described in 2013, which exhibited in the “Ulytau” Nature Reserve. The statue depicts a naked person in the upright position, who is holding a vessel with both hands at the belly. “Maiden breasts” indicate the female gender of the character. Previously unnoticed details have recently been revealed in the composition of the statue, one of these details could be interpreted as a depiction of female genitals. The surface of this detail is smoothened as a possible result of the impact of fertility cult rituals. Another detail – a triangle with an open summit – engraved in the lower part of the statue between the legs. It is suggested that the triangle could depict a falling drop of menstrual blood. The authors consider new details of the image in the context of the initiation rituals of a girl transiting to the woman status. The issue of a possible veneration ceremony of the Kyzly statue in the Qipcaq period is discussed. The article summarizes information on veneration of ancient and medieval statues as well as stones and stone objects in fertility rites among modern peoples of Central Asia.
Qipcaq statue, fertility cult, female genitals, initiation rite

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